Defence Children Services (DCS) is one of the jewels in Defence’s crown and a true demonstration that Defence cares for its people, their families and the education of children.

A message from Beverley Martin, Head DCS

At DCS we endeavour to provide children and parents with the very best educational provision possible whilst they are assigned overseas. Wherever practicable, and within the boundaries of the diverse locations of our schools, our dedicated staff ensure pupils engage in a rich and fulfilling curriculum whilst overseas. DCS Schools and Settings overseas mirrors the English and Scottish education systems including Ofsted inspections, assessments and examinations. This enables pupils to transition from our overseas schools and settings to UK based schools and nurseries with the minimum amount of disruption.

We work closely with UK schools and local authorities to ensure information is shared to support the varying needs of pupils. Due to the nature and uniqueness of some of our Schools and Settings, there will be some slight differences in the provision we are able to offer however, in all locations our leaders ensure that children have a range of additional activities and curriculum opportunities to enhance their educational experience.

Moving schools can cause a range of emotional stress and anxiety. Our leaders work with parents and children to make the transition from the UK to an overseas location (and return to the UK) as easy as possible. Please see our mobility page where we are developing a resource bank to support parents and children as they move locations.

Whilst in its present name as Defence Children Services, we are a relatively new organisation (April 2021). However, our roots as a branch of the Army has been uninterrupted since 1775 when the then Duke of Marlborough gave the first order to provide education for children of camp wives following soldiers on his campaigns throughout Central Europe.

Closer in time to the present-day format of our delivery, children’s education was at the forefront of delivery aspect as part of Operation Union which was created in 1946. Families and children of deployed personnel moved into Germany following the end of World War II with the first classes being housed in ex German Naval port buildings.

For almost 300 years, we have been providing education and care for children with the unwavering commitment to ensure that every child exceeds from their starting points.

Making our way as a branch of HQ Regional Command since 2021 with Headquarters at Trenchard Lines in Upavon and a number of forward deployed teachers, education professionals and support staff employed across the globe (numbering circa 1100). DCS continues to support all areas of education and care for children of service families and forward deployed Civil Servants between 0-18 yrs whilst outside of the UK.

Our schools and settings deliver an acclaimed service against the background of budgetary pressures (within which all in public services are too familiar) and recruitment freezes. However, we are relentless in our goal to provide the very best educational provision within the resources made available to us.

Our critical role in meeting the offer to our Military and Civil Servant personnel (through the Armed Forces Family Strategy) means that families can rely on quality education, with highly committed teachers and staff. Our close work with School Advisory Committees, who are invested in their school communities and families, unifies the bond between Command and education so that we can truly:

Educate the Child


Support the Family

allowing Service Personnel to

Defend the Nation