Parent Information
For general enquires, please contact the school office via email [email protected] or via telephone +39 334 641 7058
Local Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information
At British Forces School Naples (BFS Naples) we aim to provide an inclusive education in which all children and young people are encouraged to flourish and achieve their full potential.
Quality first teaching and high-quality universal support is an essential element in this, along with the recognition that some children will require additional or adapted provision to minimize barriers to learning and maximize progress.
Our SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disabilties Co-ordinator) is Mrs Leanne Wortley, is contactable through the school office ([email protected])
For more information about our SEND policy, please read our local SEND Information Report.
For more detailed information regarding SEND within Defence Children Services, please visit the SEND page.
How will we communicate with you?

The majority of our communication with parent/carers is via the MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) App. This platform is used for:
- Messages
- Publishing important documents
- Announcements
- School diary events
- Gaining parental consents
- Setting homework
- Publishing class and Head Teacher fortnightly newsletters
Parents/carers are also able to use the app to contact the school office and class teachers. If we need to contact a parent/carer immediately, we will contact them via telephone.
In FS1 and FS2, children’s observations are uploaded to the Famly App which gives parents/carers the opportunity to see their child’s progress. They can reach out to the class teacher directly via this app, as well as via the MCAS app.
Children receive termly reports in Autumn and Spring in addition to their annual report in the Summer. Parent/Carers are invited in to school to talk about their child(ren)’s progress in both terms.
We have termly Open Afternoons where parents/carers are invited into their child(ren)’s classrooms to see what they have been learning about and to interact with them in their current educational activities.
We offer an open door policy where parents/carers can access class teachers and/or the Head Teacher at the end of the day.
School Uniform
Local Uniform Policy
Whilst school uniform is not compulsory, it is strongly encouraged and worn by all pupils creating a school identity and sense of belonging. Uniform will also be worn on occasions when children are representing the school, including during off-site visits.
Children are encouraged to wear:
- Grey or black trousers or shorts.
- Grey or black skirts or pinafore dresses.
- White or dark blue polo shirts
- Blue checked summer dresses
- Blue jumpers or cardigans (we discourage hoodies or jumpers with large logos)
- Suitable school shoes or sandals for summer (sandals must have a back strap)
- Shorts and T shirt (summer) or track suit (winter) for PE with trainers.
In the winter, children will need a warm and waterproof school coat. Children play outside in all weathers so their coats must be appropriate for the weather.
During the summer, please provide a sun hat with a brim or peak and apply a long-lasting sun protection.
Shoes should be suitable for school wear, enabling your child to play safely at play times. We encourage footwear to be plain black and we recommend shoes that are not a slip-on style as they easily fall off and children are encouraged to be active. Summer sandals must have a backstrap and we discourage the wearing of Crocs. Children must have a change of footwear for PE.
Further information on personal appearance and uniform can be found in the Parent’s Information Booklet on the MCAS app.