Early Help
Information and documents for professionals delivering Early Help in overseas locations
Early Help supports families at the earliest point when they first have challenges, stopping problems from escalating. Parents are encouraged to build on their capacity and resources and are empowered to deal with the challenges they face. Our ambition is for every family to receive the support they need, when they need it.
Part 1: Early Help – My child and family: Prior to completing the assessment, you should always ask the parent(s) to complete this form, this enables an understanding of the parent’s perspective of their family’s needs and support structures.
Part 2: Early Help – Assessment and consent: This assessment and consent form replaces all previously used Early Help assessment forms. There are 5 sections to complete.
You will require an Early Help case number; this will ensure paperwork is stored in the correct DCS data Early Help file. The case number should be included in all future communications with the Early Help Co-ordinators. An Early Help case number can be obtained by contacting the Early Help Co-ordinator via email: [email protected]
Part 3: Early Help – TAF SMART family action plans: This document is used to record discussions and decisions made in the Team Around the Family (TAF) meeting. There are 5 sections to complete. Sections 1-4 should be completed after each meeting, when an Early Help is transferring or closing complete sections 1 to 5.
Part 4: Early Help – DCS DATA notification: This is the form to use to provide DATA to the Early Help Coordinators, please ensure it contains the correct Early Help case number and forward via email. There is currently no requirement to forward completed assessments, plans or TAF meeting minutes, therefore you do not need permission from parents to share this form.
Early Help guides for professionals