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What is meant by pupil mobility?

Pupil mobility, which is often referred to as ‘turbulence’ in educational literature and is defined as:

A child joining or leaving school at a point other than the normal age in which children start or finish their education at that school, whether or not this involves a move of home

Dobson & Henthorne, 1999

Higher Mobility

Due to regular deployment, RIB moves and Individual Augmentee Assignments, our schools and settings experience higher than average mobility within the pupil population with the average child attending 4 primary schools before the age of 11.

Pupils who move regularly may experience grief, a sense of loss and anxiety associated with the severing of significant relationships when they move. Research shows that a child can lose up to 3 months of learning during each move of schools.

High levels of pupil mobility represent a challenge for our school leaders. Our leaders work hard to ensure that they mitigate the effects of mobility. This includes:

  • A high level of reflectivity in approaches to transition.
  • An accept‐and‐improve approach, which is an acceptance of various givens in a non‐ judgemental way, coupled with a drive to improve matters for all.
  • High expectations of the pupils and themselves.
  • A sense of pride in their schools or settings.
  • A powerful ethos of care.

What to bring with you

To help your child settle into their new school, and to help teachers correctly identify previous learning, we advise that you bring with you the following items ready for your child’s induction:

  • Your child’s most recent school report including any assessment levels.
  • Information around your child’s reading level.
  • Transition information provided by your child’s previous school.
  • Items such as learning workbooks, and school files do help your child’s new teacher but these can be part of your shipping rather than your flight luggage.

Please check with your new school for any location specific information which may also be required.

To help your child settle well into their new school and to help the move between schools go successfully, the following should help you.

Before Joining a DCS School or Setting

In accordance with MOD Policy, all families must have an Educational Clearance Certificate (ECC) before they travel from the UK or between MOD school locations. This is written confirmation from the Head Teacher that your child can be given a place at the DCS School in your new location.

Please Note: DCS schools are only able to issue Educational Clearance Certificates during school calendar days. Please ensure you apply for your child’s place as soon as you know you will be travelling to a DCS School or Setting location.

Please let our school leaders know about your intended arrival date so that they can prepare your welcome pack and school admission paperwork. You will also be able to arrange an induction date to visit the school.

Leaving a DCS School or Setting

Our staff are always sad to see our pupils leave. However, we enjoy sending them on to their new adventures and new schools in the knowledge that they have had an enjoyable and valuable experience whilst they are with us.