Parent Information
How Will We Communicate With You?
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Uniform Photographs
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Local Uniform Policy
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Staff Details
Head Teacher: Kim Jackaman
Deputy Head Teacher: Ian Ratcliffe
Year Group | Teacher | Class Teacher and Subject Leader Role | Learning Support Assistant (LSA) |
Foundation Stage One | Esther Brown | FS1 class teacher DT subject leader | Tim Fowler |
Foundation Stage Two | Emma Bowles | FS2 class teacher Phonics subject leader | Fitalo Connell |
Year One | Jo Lucas | Y1 class teacher Maths subject leader | Sally Ann Bowles |
Year Two | Lesley Russell | Y2 class teacher English subject leader | Louise Roberts |
Year Three | Victoria Beattie | Y3 class teacher | Gillian Clive |
Year Four | Michaela Hyde | Y4 class teacher MfL lead | Helen Gorman |
Year Five | Nicola Hemelik | Y5 class teacher Science subject leader | Heather Travers |
Year Six | Natasha Rook | Y6 class teacher Humanities/ PHSE subject lead | Alison Kidd (ELSA) + HLTA |
SEND TEAM | Elaine Briers | SENDCO Music / RE subject lead | Karen Knock |
Ian Ratcliffe | Computing subject lead | ||
Kim Jackaman | Art subject lead |
Year Groups
FS1 – Elf Class
Children aged 3 and 4 attend our class 5 mornings per week from 08.45-12.30 daily. We follow the English Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, ensuring that the children experience learning through play.
Children are entitled to attend FS1 the term after their 3rd birthday; the admission dates, for UK Military only, are below. Prior to starting in our class, all new pupils are required to have an informal home visit with the class teacher, Mrs Brown.
FS1 – Seagoats Class
We follow the English Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, ensuring that the children experience learning through play.
Children in our class are aged between 4 and 5 years old. The school day starts at 08.45 and ends 15.25 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesdays, Key Stage 1 (FS2 – Year 2) finish at 15.00.
Year 1 – Dragon Class
We follow the National Curriculum for England.
Our school day runs from 08.45 – 15.25 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesdays, Key Stage 1 (FS2 – Year 2) finish at 15.00.
Children in our class are aged 5 and 6.
Year 2 – Griffin Class
We follow the National Curriculum for England.
Our school day runs from 08.45 – 15.25 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesdays, Key Stage 1 (FS2 – Year 2) finish at 15.00.
Children in our class are aged 6 and 7
Year 3 – Eagle Class
We follow the National Curriculum for England, and our Curriculum Statements can be found at the bottom of the page.
Our school day runs from 08.45 – 15.25 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesdays, Key Stage 2 (Year 3 – Year 6) finish at 15.00.
Children in our class are aged 7 and 8.
Year 4 – Phoenix Class
We follow the National Curriculum for England.
Our school day runs from 08.45 – 15.25 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesdays, Key Stage 2 (Year 3 – Year 6) finish at 15.00.
Children in our class are aged 8 and 9.
Year 5 – Apollo Class
We follow the National Curriculum for England.
Our school day runs from 08.45 – 15.25 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesdays, Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) finish at 15.00.
Children in our class are aged 9 and 10.
Year 6 – Pegasus Class
We follow the National Curriculum for England.
Our school day runs from 08.45 – 15.25 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesdays, Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) finish at 15.00.
Children in our class are aged 10 and 11.
Local SEND Information
At the British School of SHAPE International School, we strive to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress. We work in partnership with parents, pupils and outside professionals.
Ofsted (2014) noted that “Disabled pupils and those with special educational needs are supported well in lessons. Almost all of them make good progress. This means they catch up to reach levels of attainment that are average or higher than average.”
We endeavour to meet all of our children’s needs, however, due to our location, we do not have access to regular support from specialist agencies. Therefore, it is very important to consider carefully your child’s needs before considering a move to SHAPE.
If your child has special educational needs or disabilities, please read the SEND offer carefully.
Our SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disabilties Co-ordinator) is Miss Briers, who is contactable through the school office.
Useful links:
School Calendar and Term Dates
Reporting Absence Process
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Useful Links:
- Request for Term Time Leave Due to Post Operational Leave
- Request for Term Time Leave – Exceptional Circumstances
- Notification of Leaving Form
- Attendance Policy
- Absconding Policy
- DCS Attendance Page
Safeguarding Culture
SHAPE International School – British Section is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children through:
- Establishing and maintaining an environment where school staff and volunteers feel safe, are encouraged to talk and are listened to when they have concerns about the safety and well-being of a child.
- Ensuring children know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried.
- Ensuring that children, who have additional/unmet needs, are supported appropriately. This could include referral to Early Help services or specialist services.
- A consideration of how children may be taught about safeguarding, including online safety, through teaching and learning opportunities and as part of providing a broad and balanced curriculum.
- Ensuring that, when concerned about the welfare of a child, staff members should always act in the interests of the child and develop a culture where Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
If you are ever concerned about the safety or wellbeing of someone at our school please talk to the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or Deputy.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead/Prevent Lead is Mrs Kim Jackaman (Head Teacher)
In the event the DSL being absent, the following members of staff have been trained as Deputy Safeguarding Leads.
Designated Safeguarding Deputy: Mr Ian Ratcliffe / Mrs Elaine Briers
The Nominated Safeguarding Governor: Hannah Gallimore
Useful links: