Special Educational Needs
& Disabilities (SEND)

DCS Schools & Settings are committed to meeting the individual needs of children whilst they are outside of the United Kingdom.
Wherever practicable and within the opportunities available (at UK standard) in each location, we aim to provide pupils who are assigned overseas, the highest quality of learning by ensuring that the appropriate provision is made for each child.
We are an inclusive organisation and create a sense of community and belonging through our broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils regardless of location. Our schools Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENDCo) will be happy to answer any questions that you have regarding your child’s personal development and learning journey. Contacts for each schools SENDCo can be found on the School & Settings page of this website.
DCS eliminates unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited under the Equality Act advancing equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not consult and involve those affected by inequality, in the decisions your school takes to promote equality and eliminate discrimination.
Local Offer
The DCS Local Offer is a hub of information about the services and support available to children in DCS Schools and Settings. The document is for parents, children and young people aged 0 – 18 with Special Educational Needs and / or Disabilities (SEND) whilst they are posted overseas with their parents.
The DCS Local Offer is co-produced with the SEND Team and the SEND Stakeholders Engagement Team throughout the Academic Year 2023 / 24.
Access Arrangements
Our schools and settings support a wide range of children’s disabilities. The DCS Access Arrangements Statement can be found here (Under Construction). Please see localised additions for specific information related to each location.
Useful Policies & Information
- Introduction to the DCS SEND process: This document includes a brief introduction to the context of the DCS SEND Process, including guidance, relevant legislation from the SEND Code of Practice, and practical aids to support understanding of SEND, and implementation of the graduated response in our DCS Schools and Settings.
- What is SEND? This document includes a description from the SEND Code of Practice (2015) of special needs and disability.
- The graduated response: This document includes a description of what the graduated response involves, including the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle.
- Phases of the Graduated Response: This document includes a detailed explanation of the Assess, Plan, Do Review cycle.
- What is understood by Universal, Targeted and Specialist Support? This document includes an explanation of the three levels of support provided in DCS Schools and Settings within the graduated response.
- The Review Process: This document includes an explanation of the review process and what is involved e.g. a review of support, interventions and needs of the child, including parental involvement.
- Evaluating and Revising the Inclusion Support Plan (ISP) This document includes an explanation of the elements involved in reviewing the ISP, including parental and pupil views and reviewing and revising targets.

- SEND Two Page Strategy
- Parent Pledge
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Directive
- SEND Strategy (Under Construction)
- Local Offer (Under Construction)
- Access Arrangements (Under Construction)
If you have any concerns or issues surrounding arrangements for supporting children with SEND, please speak to the school or setting SENDCo in the first instance. Additional support can be provided by contacting the Chair of the School Governance Committee (SGC), which can be found on individual school pages.
Alternatively, the DCS Complaints directive can be found here.
The information on this pages complies with section 69 of the Children and Families Act 2014 and Schedule 10 of the Equality Act 2010
The DCS SEND Directive contains SEND information specified in Schedule 1 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.