Teaching & Learning

Teaching & Learning Mission

The DCS Vision for Teaching and Learning is to: create a community where everyone has a passion for the craft of teaching and where everyone is a life long learner.

The DCS Schools and Settings Global Framework for Excellence

Teaching & Learning, brings to life the DCS Teaching & Learning Philosophy & Mission in regard to:

Learning Environment

  • Educators create a supportive, inclusive, and enabling learning environment that fosters positive relationships among learners and encourages mutual respect.
  • Educators promote active participation and connections by using a variety of strategies to capture learners’ interest and curiosity.
  • Educators effectively manage the learning environment, establishing clear expectations and routines consistently, through positive behaviour strategies.

Current Knowledge

  • Educators demonstrate deep subject knowledge and communicates effectively to enhance learning for all.
  • Educators adapt the content to meet individual learning needs of learners, providing appropriate challenge and supports.


  • Educators deliver well-structured lessons with clear learning expectations, ensuring that the content is logically sequenced and coherent; Consistently good teaching, every day, every lesson, everyone.
  • Educators utilise a range of teaching approaches which builds on prior learning.
  • Educators continually employ assessment strategies to gauge learner progress which informs planning and teaching.
  • Educators promote the development of growth mind-set and meta-cognition.

Feedback and Support

  • Learners should receive timely, specific, and actionable feedback.
  • Learners have opportunities to respond to feedback and clear action is taken based on feedback.
  • Educators continually employ assessment strategies to gauge learner progress which informs teaching and planning to next steps.
  • Educators effectively use the environment to ensure progress of all learners.
  • Adults are effectively deployed in the environment to meet the needs of all learners.

Positive Relationships

  • Educators promote a collaborative learning environment that encourages positive interactions among students.
  • Positive partnerships between schools/settings will enhance the holistic learning experience.
  • Using their understanding of context and unique locations, educators will promote a holistic learning experience for all.

Continuous Improvement

  • Educators use evidence-based research to refine their practice and promote a connected professional learning community.
  • Educators proactively seek support and challenge for professional growth.
  • Educators engage with professional development appropriate to their stage of career